Flexible help programmes
Flexible Help Programmes aim at the development, protection and welfare of children and juveniles. Problem-solving focusses on personal strengths and development potentials of children, juveniles, parents-to-be and persons charged with the care of children and juveniles as well as their social networks. Our Child and Youth Care team develops flexible help programmes to meet the specific needs and goals of individual families or groups of families, using existing resources.
Sozialraum 4, Graz
Dipl. Soz. Päd. (FH) Zintl KarolineFacility responsibility Flexible aids
Graz SR4
Tel.: 0660/5559636
Mag.ª Donauer Veronika
Karner Anna, BA
Ludwig Alfred
Suppanz Cyrill
Graz Umgebung
Mag.ª Gröbacher-Eicher WaltraudPedagogical overall management of flexible aids
Team coordination flexible aids Graz-Umgebung
Tel.: 0664/3913116
Dr. Greis Werner
Krenn Elisabeth
Standler Julia, BA
Platzer LisaFlexible aids Graz-Umgebung
lisa.platzer@ais-jugendservice.at -
Stimpfl Katharina, Bakk.ª phil.
Zauner Philip
Zeder Linus, BA
Ferlic Silke
DSA Gröbacher ArnoldFlexible aids Leibnitz
Social worker, Supervisor, Mediator
Family council coordinator
arnold.groebacher@ais-jugendservice.at -
Kauc VerenaFlexible aids Leibnitz
verena.kauc@ais-jugendservice.at -
Mag. Lederer David, Bakk. phil.
Mag.ª Lubandy Dorota
Perko Annika
Polantschitsch Claudia, BSc MA
Pust Tanja
Sima Thomas
Steirer-Schranz Kathrin, BA
Mag.ª Wurm-Gröbacher Gislinde
Caspaar Elisabeth, Bakk.ª phil.
Mag.ª Eibisberger Astrid
Göslbauer HannahFlexible aids Weiz
hannah.goeslbauer@ais-jugendservice.at -
Haidenhofer Pamela, BA
Kulmer Anneliese
Maier-Wailand Petra
Malige Stefan
Pock Eva Maria
Reif Sandra
Auner SusanneFlexible aids Deutschlandsberg,
Kindergarten pedagogue, parental counseling
susanne.auner@ais-jugendservice.at -
Hentschel Nadine, MA
Pließnig Simon
Quitt-Fröhlich Melanie
DSAin Göslbauer RomanaFacility responsibility, assistant coordination
Flexible aids Hartberg-Fürstenfeld
Tel.: 0660/3145820
Felde Christoph
Hradetzky Christof, MA
Kader Petra